Tue Mar 19 2024

Although poor, Nasrudin set great store by hospitality. One evening, the local Imam paid a surprise visit. Determined to receive such an important man in style, Nasrudin killed his last goat and served it to the guest. He then sat and watched as the notable – a man of considerable appetite – devoured the entire roast together with every other morsel of food in the house.

So good was the meal that the Imam resolved to pay another visit as soon as possible. He arrived the next evening and sat at the table singing the praises of his host: “May Allah deliver blessings to this most generous man and permit him to serve his honored guest with a meal as flavorsome as yesterday’s goat.”

Nasrudin disappeared into the kitchen and came back with the bare goat’s carcass. The Imam was most surprised. “Is this some sort of joke? Where is the food?” “As your host I must do as you say. You just asked me to bring yesterday’s goat and here it is. How can I help it if this is all that remains?”